Notion Competitor Database

The best competitor database for Notion. Always up-to-date, never obsolete.

Struggling to keep up with competitors ?

Was your competitor database built by the intern two years ago?
There's a better way! PeerPanda automatically pulls data from relevant data sources and syncs it to your Notion database.

You love Notion? We do too!

Sort, group, find, and enhance your competitor pages by adding your own information, images, custom fields and sub-pages.

Empower your team with competitor insights

One collaborative competitor database for your product, finance, and marketing team. Easily accessible in the platform they are already familiar with.

Why it rocks

Save dozens of hours every month

Effortless setup

Add your competitors, enable the Notion native integration, done !

Centralized dashboard

All competitors, all data points. Seamlessly synced to Notion.

Team collaboration

Give access to your Notion database to other team members.

How It Works?

How to build your ultimate competitor database in Notion

1. Add your competitors to your PeerPanda database

All data points are pulled automatically and regularly updated from relevant sources.

2. Enable the PeerPanda Notion integration

Authorize access to your company Notion account, and select the page where you'd like to have your database.
PeerPanda automatically populates your database with your competitors.

3. Design and customize your views

Need specific views for Marketing, Product or Finance ? Use all the best Notion features to adapt your database to suit your own use cases.

Check the full integration guide here

Empower your team with competitor insights and stay one step ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does PeerPanda integrate with our existing Notion competitor database?

If you already have a competitor database in Notion, PeerPanda takes it to the next level by keeping core data points, such as employee count and company information, automatically updated.

You can still add your own custom notes and sub-pages while PeerPanda ensures the data remains fresh and accurate.

How does PeerPanda ensure the security of our Notion data?

During setup, PeerPanda only requests access to the specific Notion page you select for your competitor database.

This ensures that we only interact with the page you’ve authorized, safeguarding the rest of your Notion workspace.

How often does PeerPanda update competitor data?

Once you’ve added a competitor to your database and provided their LinkedIn URL, our platform automatically keeps their data up to date.

We pull data from a variety of sources on a weekly basis, ensuring your competitor information is always fresh. You set it and forget it—no need for manual updates.

7. Can multiple team members collaborate on the Notion database?

Yes! PeerPanda syncs your competitor database directly into Notion, allowing you to share it with your entire team. Whether you’re in product, marketing, or sales enablement, everyone can access, edit, and enhance the database to ensure cross-functional collaboration and alignment.