Competitor Website Monitoring

Keep a close watch on your competitor websites

Keep competitors under close watch

Catch every pricing update, feature launch, and messaging pivot on your competitors' websites.
React quickly and anticipate their strategic moves : Competitor opening new PM and AI experts positions? They might be brewing something...

Become the go-to market expert in your team

Empower your team with relevant competitor insights and make better product decisions.

Stop mindlessly building one feature after another

Spot industry trends, uncover positioning shifts and launch products that win against other solutions.

Why it rocks

Save dozens of hours every month

Effortless setup

Add your competitors, select website pages to monitor, done !

Visual change detection

You are notified only when competitor pages change.

Share relevant insights

Become the go-to competitor person at your company

Stay always up-to-date

See all competitor's moves in one single timeline.

How It Works?

Become a more strategic Product Manager today

1. Add your competitors to your database

Giving you a 360 degree overview of what they are up to.

2. Monitor their relevant website pages

Homepage, pricing page, new features, open positions... Everything is fair game!

3. Be notified on relevant changes

Counter your competitors' product and marketing moves.

Get started with Competitor Website Monitoring and stay one step ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Competitor Website Monitoring?

This feature automatically keeps an eye on your competitors' websites. It tracks changes in pricing, features, messaging, and other important elements.

How often does PeerPanda check for website changes?

We scan for changes either weekly or monthly, depending on your preference. This way, you stay informed without getting overwhelmed by constant updates.

How do I know when changes are detected?

When we spot important changes, they show up in your Activity Timeline. It's a good habit to review this timeline regularly – think of it as your competitive intelligence news feed.

Can I see how a competitor's website looked in the past?

Absolutely! We save all previous versions of monitored pages. It's like having a time machine for competitor websites – great for tracking how their messaging or features have evolved.

How does PeerPanda handle fancy websites with lots of dynamic content?

Don't worry – we've got the tech to handle it. Our system captures the full page, even for sites with dynamic content or heavy JavaScript. As a bonus, we clear out annoying pop-ups and banners for a cleaner view.

Is Competitor Website Monitoring complicated to set up?

Not at all. Just add your competitors to your PeerPanda database, select the pages that you would like to monitor and we take care of the rest.