Competitor and Industry Blogs

All your competitor and industry news in one place

Competitive intelligence, on autopilot

Catch every product announcement, thought leadership piece, and strategic hints your competitors drop in their blogs. No more surprises.

Get insights into their products, teams and strategy

Share fresh and relevant competitor insights, and watch as your team wonders how you always know what's coming next in the market.

Build visionary products

Turn competitor content into product innovation. Spot industry trends before they're mainstream, and build features your users will love.

Why it rocks

Save dozens of hours every month

Effortless setup

Add your competitors, paste the RSS feed URL, done !

Centralized dashboard

All competitors, all blogs. Neatly organized in one place.

Share relevant articles

Become the go-to competitor person at your company

Timely alerts

All your competitors' publications in one single timeline.

How It Works?

Become a more strategic Product Manager today

1. Add your competitors to your database

Giving you a 360 degree overview of what they are up to.

2. Subscribe to their publications, news pages, engineering blogs

Simply add the RSS url generated by their website, or their Medium blogs.

3. All their articles are consolidated for your team

Spot trends, get inspiration from their copy, and see what they are up to !

Get started with Competitor Blog Monitoring and stay one step ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Competitor Blogs Monitoring?

This feature consolidates consolidates all your competitors' blog posts and industry news into a single, organized dashboard.

You can monitor their product updates, thought leadership pieces, and strategic announcements effortlessly. Our AI ranks these articles by relevance, ensuring you focus only on the most important ones.

How does Competitor Blogs Monitoring work?

Simply add the RSS feeds of your competitors' blogs, news pages, or Medium accounts into PeerPanda.

Our AI will monitor these sources for new posts, analyze the content, and score them based on relevance. This allows you to quickly identify the most relevant articles.

How can this feature save me time doing Competitor Research?

It’s easy to set up and consolidates all relevant content—like product releases, engineering blogs, and press releases—into one centralized dashboard.

Taking a few minutes every week to review your Competitor Timeline is all it takes to catch-up and never miss important updates.

What insights can I gain from monitoring competitor blogs?

Tracking competitor blogs is crucial for staying ahead.

By monitoring their product releases, engineering updates, and strategic announcements, you can spot emerging trends, anticipate market shifts, and understand their direction.

This not only helps you refine your own strategies but also gives you a rich overview of your industry as a whole.

Who benefits most from this feature?

Product Managers and Product Marketing Managers in B2B SaaS companies love this feature.

It help them stay on top of their competitor moves, without spending hours on manual research.

Sales Enablement teams benefit from competitor insights —such as product launches and strategic shifts—allowing them to refine battle cards and anticipate objections.