AI Competitor Analysis

Know what they are up to with AI-Powered Insights

Competitor Activity Analysis

Automated Competitive Analysis

Feature launches, strategic shifts, key hires... All competitor moves are neatly categorized for you to review.

Get the Insights that Matter

Cut through the noise. Our scoring algorithm generates summaries and relevance-scored insights.

Stay one Step ahead

Don´t just react to competitor moves. Replicate winning products and strategies, and learn from their mistakes.

Why it rocks

Save dozens of hours every month

Effortless setup

Add your competitors, select relevant data sources, done!

Automated Intelligence

Our AI handles the research, delivering insights straight to you.

Review relevant information

Find the piece of content that you truly need to read.

Weekly reports

Kickstart your week with fresh news about your industry

AI Competitor Report

How It Works?

Stay on top of all your competitor developments

1. Add your competitors to your database

Simply add your competitors to your PeerPanda competitor dashboard. It's your new source-of-truth.

2. Subscribe to their publications, news pages, engineering blogs

Simply add the RSS url generated by their website, their Medium blogs, or monitor the emails they send to their customers and prospects.

3. Our AI scans, analyzes and generates valuable insights

Our AI automatically analyzes your competitors’ publications, pinpointing key updates like product launches, market moves, and strategic shifts. You’ll get the most relevant insights, without the manual effort.

With insights organized and ready to share, Weekly Reports and a comprehensive Competitor Timeline, become the competitive expert in your organization !

Get started with AI Competitor Analysis and stay one step ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does AI Analysis helps me monitor competitors?

Competitor monitoring often leaves teams overwhelmed with too much information and not enough time to process it.

Our AI cuts through the clutter, focusing on the most important updates—like product launches— and yields actionable insights that you can review in a pinch.

How does PeerPanda handle competitor updates?

We automatically scan your competitors’ websites, blogs, and news sources, generating summaries of the most important developments.

Whether it’s a new feature launch, key hire, or market entry, our AI captures these insights and categorizes them for easy review.

How does PeerPanda help me save time?

Manual competitor research can consume hours of your week. PeerPanda automates the process, delivering a concise, categorized report of the most critical updates every week.

We estimate that users save an average of 10-15 hours per month compared to traditional competitor monitoring methods.

What industries benefit most from PeerPanda?

PeerPanda is designed primarily for B2B SaaS companies.

It's especially useful for Product Managers, Product Marketing Managers, and Sales Enablement teams who need to stay updated on competitor activities and trends.