Build the Perfect Competitor Analysis Dashboard for Your SaaS Company


If you are working in a SaaS company, chances are that you have many competitors. As if managing day-to-day marketing, product and relationships with customers were not enough, right ?

As buyers become more informed, understanding your competitors' products and strategies is crucial to crafting a better product and a message that resonates with prospective customers.

Unfortunately, staying ahead of their developments can be difficult. Product Marketers often get started by setting up a mix of Google Alerts, creating a #competitor-news Slack channel, and the occasional browsing of competitor websites to scout for eventual pricing changes.

While it’s quite simple, this approach leaves a lot of gaps, and it’s easy to miss important moves, such as the launch of new features and products. With too little time to react, you are always playing catch-up.

SaaS companies of all sizes need a smarter and easier way to stay on top of their competitor's moves. They need a constant stream of insights about their industry, so they grow by taking advantage of trends, shifts in competition, and changes of customer preferences.

In this guide, we will walk you through setting up an all-in-one competitor dashboard. For PMs, this means making smarter product decisions about your roadmap, while PMMs can craft better campaigns by knowing what competitors are up to. Let’s get started!

Why a Competitor Dashboard is Essential for SaaS Companies

A well-built competitor dashboard isn't just another tool— it can truly become your secret weapon. Here are three key ways it can transform how your team works:

Product Marketers: Create Sharper Marketing Campaigns

With a competitor dashboard, you have all the key information about competitors—campaigns, pricing changes, and thought leadership—in one place. No more endless scrolling or scattered notes. A competitor dashboard gives you the competitive insights that help craft compelling stories, position your product better, and ensure your campaigns stand out.

Product Managers: Make Smarter Product Decisions

With a competitor dashboard, you get a clear view of which features your competitors are launching, how they’re positioning them, and what’s resonating with their customers. This means you can decide what to build or skip based on real data—not guesswork or fear of missing out.

Sales Enablement: Equip Your Sales Team With the Right Insights

Sales teams need up-to-date competitor information to win deals. A competitor dashboard keeps your sales reps armed with the latest on competitor features, positioning, and pricing. This means they’re always prepared, never caught off guard, and equipped with data-backed battle cards that make closing deals easier and faster.

Create your Competitor Analysis and Monitoring Dashboard with PeerPanda

Ready to become the competition expert in your company?

PeerPanda offers an all-in-one solution to build the perfect competitor analysis dashboard tailored for SaaS and Software companies.

Here's how you can set it up a few easy steps.

Step 1: Sign-up and Add Your Company Information

First, Sign Up to the platform. No credit card is needed, and you can analyze up to 3 competitors with the free forever plan.

After signing up and verifying your email, the first step is to add your company information.

This is crucial as it allows us to tailor analyses and recommendations specifically for you.

select company

Search and select your company from the list to get a tailored competitor analysis

  • Enter Your Company Name: Begin typing your company name. Our system will auto-suggest matches.
  • Select the Correct Listing: If your company appears in the suggestions, great ! Select it in the list.
  • Don't see your company? No worries, if there are multiple matches or your company doesn't appear, type in your domain name (e.g.,

With your company set up, the platform takes you to your Competitor Dashboard. It's your central hub from which you can add new competitors and track their activities.

Note that your company appears in your list of tracked companies, alongside your competitors.

It's useful to benchmark your company against others.

get started

At first, your competitor overview shows your own company.

Step 2: Get your AI Competitor Analysis

It's now time to add your competitors. Simply click + New Competitor to add one.

select competitor crisp

Search for your competitor by company name

  • Enter Competitor Details: Just like before, type in the competitor's name. PeerPanda will detect online profiles like LinkedIn automatically.
  • Manual Entry: If your competitor is not recognized, you can add information manually.

Within a few seconds, PeerPanda gathers relevant data and provides you with a full competitor analysis covering markets, customer segments, products, pricing structures... etc...

If you are doing a benchmark of many competitors, this gives you a solid foundation of structured data for your research (and saved you 30 minutes) !

hiver ai competitor analysis

Competitor Analysis of Hiver generated by PeerPanda

With those first analyses, you have a fairly good snapshot of your competition. You can use this data to elaborate a SWOT or perform a feature gap analysis.

But software moves fast, and to stay ahead, you need to actively monitor your competitor moves.

We've got you covered! Let's move on to how you can continuously monitor your competitors for real-time insights.

Step 3: Track changes to your Competitor Websites

You probably already check out the website of your competitors to get updated information on their features and pricing.

It's a great source of insights, but it's a lot of work if you have many competitors.

With PeerPanda, you can monitor important competitor pages such as their homepage, their pricing and feature plans.

monitor new pricing page

Tracking a competitor website for changes

From the profile of your competitor, click Monitor a New Page, add the URL you'd like to track and select a frequency (every week is good).

zendesk pricing page monitor

This competitor pricing page is tracked automatically for changes.

Step 4: Monitor Competitor Blogs and Publications

Competitor content can give you insights into their messaging, positioning, and strategic priorities.

Case studies and Thought Leadership pieces are also valuable resources to learn about your industry, emerging trends, and customer needs.

PeerPanda is able to track Competitor and Industry News using RSS feeds.
Many companies maintain RSS feeds for their blogs, making it an excellent way to stay updated on competitor activities, especially since our AI excels at analyzing these feeds.

Monitor the blog of a competitor

From the profile of your competitor, click Monitor a New Blog, add the URL of the RSS feed you'd like to track.

monitor blog intercom

Track a competitor blog by adding the RSS Feed

Competitor blog articles

Articles from the competitor blog have been retrieved automatically

Typically, you'll have one blog per competitor, but you can create multiple sources for each, such as news mentions, Medium blogs, engineering blogs, YouTube channels, and more.

If RSS isn't available, don't worry—many companies use newsletters, which are also great alternatives. Our AI continuously monitors new articles, providing summaries and extracting key insights, such as new feature launches.

Step 5: Monitor Competitor Emails and Newsletters

SaaS and software companies usually provide their users and subscribers a wealth of content related to their industry. It's also the place where they announce major features updates and new product launches.

Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to subscribe to your competitor email updates. You probably receive some of them yourself already.

The downside is that subscribing to many competitor newsletters can rapidly flood your inbox, and it's sometimes difficult to know which emails are worth to open.

PeerPanda let's you enjoy those insights without the efforts.

Track and analyze competitor emails

PeerPanda Competitor Inboxe can automatically receive, summarize and organize all emails sent by competitors in one place.
You can even create multiple inboxes by competitor, for example if they send multiple newsletters.

From the profile of your competitor, click Create a new Email Inbox, and choose the name of the inbox.

monitor emails intercom

Creating a new competitor inbox to receive their emails

When the inbox is created, PeerPanda automatically generates an email address for that inbox.

You can then use that address to subscribe to competitor emails.

signup intercom newsletter

Sign up to competitor newsletters to track their email campaigns

Wait a few seconds, and emails will appear in that inbox.

Don't forget to confirm your email address if the newsletter requires you to do so.

A welcome email in your competitor inbox

A welcome email in your competitor inbox

Step 6: Review your Competitor Activity Feed

With all competitors and data sources set up, now comes the exciting part !

In the main menu, click Competitor Activity to review all competitor actions in your Activity Feed.

activity timeline email

This timeline shows you a clear, chronological view of every insight gained from your competitors' activities.

Identify Relevant Competitor Actions with AI

As you can see, alongside each competitor activity is analysis of that activity by PeerPanda, allowing you to filter out the noise, and identify the most relevant insights.

Understand AI Competitor Activity Relevance Scoring

compared relevance

AI assigns relevance scores to competitor activities.

In the example above, the article on the top is not very interesting from a Competitive Intelligence standpoint. The AI has categorized it as low relevance, and it won't appear in your Weekly Report.

The one on the bottom is much more valuable, so the AI has flagged it as highly relevant.

AI Relevance Scores

Competitor Insights Relevance scores help you identify important news

Getting Valuable AI Competitor Insights

And that's not all !

In addition to the relevance scores, the AI provides a summary of each activity, as well as categorized insights about a competitor.

For example, when a competitor changes the price on the pricing page from $19.90 to $24.90, PeerPanda will automatically categorize that action as a price increase and notify you, as this is a key insight.

Step 7: Enjoy Competitive Weekly Reports

Thanks to PeerPanda, you will never miss an important competitor news.

Every Monday morning, PeerPanda will send you a report with the most important competitor news, kickstarting your week with fresh insights.

sample competitor weekly report

PeerPanda Competitor Report

The best thing about those reports is that all the noise is left out. Indeed, PeerPanda includes only the top stories in that report.

It works exactly like the Competitor Activity Timeline : the relevance of all news is scored with a small indicator and competitor insights are extracted automatically.

Bonus: Dive deeper In Your Competitor Database For Advanced Analysis

With weekly reports and your competitor activity feed, you are already well equipped with relevant and valuable insights.

You will also find that everything in neatly organized by competitor and data source in your Competitor Database.

This means that you have all the information in one place when you need to conduct a deeper analysis.

All Typeform newsletters organized automatically

All Typeform newsletters organized automatically

For example, you can review the title and copy of newsletters sent by competitors in the last months.

You can find all mentions of recently developed AI features, or mentions of a particular customer.


Setting up a competitor dashboard with PeerPanda helps you stay informed and on top of what's happening in your industry.

You can easily track what your competitors are doing, giving you the information needed to improve your product, run effective marketing campaigns, and prepare your sales team with relevant insights—all in one place.

To get the most out of your competitor dashboard, make it a habit to add new players to your competitor dashboard as soon as you discover them.

Give PeerPanda's free plan a try today and see how simple it is !

Create your Competitor Analysis Dashboard today!

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