We keep tabs on your competitors so you don't have to

Automated competitor monitoring for Product Teams

Competitor Dashboard
Competitor Profile

Competitor Tracking Made Simple

Say goodbye to manual tracking! PeerPanda allows you to effortlessly add your competitors, giving you access to vital stats and insights.

  • Save Time: No more data hunting; get everything you need in one place.
  • Get real-time updates on competitors' growth and employee count.
  • Receive automated notifications when important events occur.
Automatic Competitor Website Screenshots

Capture Every Move with Automated Screenshots.

Our automated screenshot feature takes competitor monitoring to the next level. Now you can keep an eye on your competitors' webpages with precision.

  • Automatically capture changes in competitor webpages.
  • Compare design and content updates effortlessly.
  • Customize pages and monitoring frequency.
Competitor blog monitoring

Blog Monitoring: News on Your Competitors, All in One Place

With blog monitoring, you can access all your competitors' articles in a single, convenient hub.

  • Effortlessly track articles published by your competition.
  • Keep an eye on their content strategy.
  • Engineering Blogs, Product Updates : get a 360° view of what they're up to.

Stay focused on your users, automatically track your competition with PeerPanda