In this article, we'll explore the different data sources available in PeerPanda and guide you through the process of adding them to your platform.
Data sources allow you to keep a close watch on various aspects of your competitors' online presence. Let's get started !
Step 1: Open the Competitor Page

Before you can manage data sources for a competitor, you need to open their dedicated page. To do this:
Log in to your PeerPanda account, add a new competitor or navigate to an already existing one you want to add data sources for.
Step 2: Adding Data Sources
Once you've opened the competitor's page, it's time to add data sources.
Here are the different types of data sources you can add:
If you're keen on tracking your competitor's blog posts and articles, this data source is essential. Adding a competitor's blog as a data source and PeerPanda will notify you of new articles as they're published.
Automated Screenshots
This data source lets you keep an eye on specific pages of your competitor's website. PeerPanda takes automated screenshots of these pages at regular intervals and notifies you if changes are detected.
Newsletters and email inboxes
Discover and track your competitors' email communications with Newsletter Monitoring. This feature allows you to observe product updates, announcements, and marketing strategies conveniently stored in specific inboxes for analysis.
General Competitor Data
PeerPanda automatically provides Employee Count as part of your general competitor data. Among others, this feature keeps you informed about changes in your competitor's workforce, allowing you to stay updated on their staffing changes.
This data source is enabled by default.